Friday, 5 October 2007

First week of the Multimedia Project

The first week was an introduction to the course and a discussion of what project you want to do for your portfolio.

Right now, I don't have any specific idea for my project. I thought that I could do an animation in Flash for my project, but the tutor told me to reconsider the idea as an animation can easily be done by anyone. She said if Flash is used, maybe consider including some advance ActionScript in the Flash project.
I agree with her suggestion; an animation IS too simple. I probably can't do something along the lines of graphic design, such as advertisement and/or product design because that doesn't fit into the whole Multimedia context.

My spidey-sense is tingling; maybe I could do a Flash website for a client with ActionScripting included in it. Or make a platform game or interactive game using Flash or Director. Or an interactive application that can be run from a CD or DVD player? I'll speak to the tutor more about these ideas.

Ok, thats it for today, will keep updating each week.

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