Friday, 8 February 2008

This week I gave out my game prototype to be tested, in order to see if I was going in the right direction with my game, and if I needed to change it.

Flash Lite version 1.1

Testing platform: Nokia N73 phone

Tester's age: 7

The feedback received was brilliant as it provided me with an insight to what I was missing from the game. Here are the major changes to be included in the development:

  1. More lives at the beginning.
  2. Allow players to jump and catch Z's (This will also allow players to avoid any danger that emerges from the ground).
  3. Allow a "duck" option to dodge incoming danger (can be included in later levels to add difficulty).
  4. Add high scores table to add replay value to the game.
  5. Add 'poison' Z's that take off 1 of your lives.
  6. Needs music/sound effects.

Here are my ideas for the game:

  1. Change the title screen so that it has these three options: 'Start', 'High Scores' and 'About'
  2. Add more than 3 positions of movement for the character.
  3. Credits will be included at the launch of the game, with the option to skip.
  4. Instructions will be shown at the start of the game for new missions.

To do: Implement suggestions from feedback, finish final character designs and finish final stage layout/designs.

More updates soon.

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