Tuesday, 18 March 2008

2nd Supervisor Meeting, 14th March 2008.

Progress report: This meeting was a re-cap of what I'm doing for my project and what I've achieved so far.

Mobile game
Target: Age range 8 - 14 years
Players require Flash lite Platform 1.0 and above on their phones.

Client: Moket
Client brief: Received and work going on. The aim of the game is to progress through levels by catching all the Z shaped points that fall down.

If they (Moket) like it - they will consider selling it and distribute it.
Foyzul: Allowed to use it in his portfolio.

IP contract - documentation - query ? Supervisor (
Maureen) to to follow up

Design and development:
Prototype created, Storyboards, screen dumps, Tech Logs.

To do: Research competitors and similar products

This is the meeting notes edited.

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