Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Prototype feedback from my client: Moket

Here's the e-mail I received from Dale Rankin, who is in charge of the company I'm making my game for:
Hi Foyzul,

Very sorry for not getting back sooner, it’s very busy here at the moment with some new games launching and I’m doing a lot of presentations and conferences at the same time.

The game itself is coming along well. I think you have the basis of a good story that with the appropriate narrative scenes will create a good, simple casual game experience. I like the way you’ve created the story around the multiple levels – it adds interest to the game beyond the basic gameplay. This is good to squeeze in to casual mobile games as they can often lack from the kind of “back story” that console games enjoy. It performs quite well on device and is simple to control.

Obviously it needs to be filled out with more hints on controls, labels, etc to explain the actions and what keys you can press, but overall it’s coming together well.

I would also suggest enabling the soft keys during the game play, to be able to get back to the menu (left soft key) and quit the game (right soft key) at any stage.

The graphics are very simple but I’m not sure if visual design is an important part of this project?

Sorry again for not being quick to reply. You’ve obviously been doing a lot of work on it and it’s good to see the project progressing for you.

So there you have it; been waiting for this email for over a week and I've recieved some positive feedback, along with helpful suggestions to what else I should focus on. These include:

  • Adding soft keys during gameplay
  • Add hints and tutorials on the gameplay and controls
  • And improving the graphics of the game
These are definitely ideas that I want to implement into my game, and I hope to get them done in a few days.
After that, I'll send them another update on the game for a final feedback.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Latest update

Just a quick post, I attended my last meeting and we discussed some ways in which to improve my research and final game. My supervisor also suggested some new reading material that could be used in my research and my final game.

Game update: New menu layout and options have just been added. The Instructions menu is more easier to use and now players can relax with a fun game away from the main game itself.

Next week, my aim is to get a final prototype ready for test by my supervisor.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Prototype 2

Selection of pictures from prototype 2. Images will be changed for a more polished look, similar to that of commercial mobile games.

Prototype 2 Feedback, Friday 28th March 2008

Second prototype game released.

Description: This contained 5 levels of Z catching, with mini-mission before the start of level 1, and end-of-level ‘Seal the Z’s’ section.

Note: Some mini-games/missions were dropped due to problems during completion. Alternative methods and gameplay will be created and added to final game.

Flash Lite version 1.1

Testing platform: Nokia N73 phone

Tester age(s): 7 - 16 yrs

Here is the feedback received from my testers.

  1. Make Level 1 gameplay speed slower to allow players to get used to the game.
  2. Add ‘Golden Z’s’ that randomly fall in within the game, to boost your score by 5 points.
  3. Add random ‘Poison Z’s’ to fall. These could deduct points or lives.

Here are my ideas for the game:

  1. Add more levels along with the five already in the game, where players can catch the falling Z’s and make the game last even longer.
  2. If ‘Poison Z’s’ are to be included, maybe include a time limit within the levels, instead of reaching a set score and going to the next level? The timer could give you a set amount of time to collect as many points and lives as possible before moving to the next level, providing you still have sufficient lives to continue.
  3. Change the title screen so that it has these three options: 'Start', ‘Instructions’ and 'About'
  4. Instructions to be shown at the start of all new missions and gameplay tasks.

Other ideas:

  1. Add more than 3 positions of movement for the character. This was already decided after prototype 1 and has been successfully tested. Now it may be included in the final game, depending on whether the game needs it.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Changes made to game

Based on the feedback received on 8th February, here is what changes have been implemented into the game:
  1. Jumping action has been implemented into a platforming section of the adventure.
  2. More lives added, taking it from 3 lives to 6.
  3. New gameplay added, eg: Platforming, dodging objects and chasing levels.
  4. Character has more than one position of movement; from 3 positions to 5.
  5. No more instructions at beginning of game; now instructions are shown before each new level or missions.
To do still:
- Add music and sound effects.
- "Poison Z's" that take away lives or points.

The 2nd prototype of the game will be given out to be tested again, hopefully within the next 2 weeks. A breakdown of each level and mission to be published soon.

2nd Supervisor Meeting, 14th March 2008.

Progress report: This meeting was a re-cap of what I'm doing for my project and what I've achieved so far.

Mobile game
Target: Age range 8 - 14 years
Players require Flash lite Platform 1.0 and above on their phones.

Client: Moket
Client brief: Received and work going on. The aim of the game is to progress through levels by catching all the Z shaped points that fall down.

If they (Moket) like it - they will consider selling it and distribute it.
Foyzul: Allowed to use it in his portfolio.

IP contract - documentation - query ? Supervisor (
Maureen) to to follow up

Design and development:
Prototype created, Storyboards, screen dumps, Tech Logs.

To do: Research competitors and similar products

This is the meeting notes edited.

Friday, 29 February 2008

February 29th.

It's been a while since my last post. I've mainly been fixing up the bugs in my game, recording the problems in a Technical Log and just been focusing on other research to move the game forward so that it becomes polished and more like a commercial mobile game.

More updates as I get them.

Friday, 8 February 2008

This week I gave out my game prototype to be tested, in order to see if I was going in the right direction with my game, and if I needed to change it.

Flash Lite version 1.1

Testing platform: Nokia N73 phone

Tester's age: 7

The feedback received was brilliant as it provided me with an insight to what I was missing from the game. Here are the major changes to be included in the development:

  1. More lives at the beginning.
  2. Allow players to jump and catch Z's (This will also allow players to avoid any danger that emerges from the ground).
  3. Allow a "duck" option to dodge incoming danger (can be included in later levels to add difficulty).
  4. Add high scores table to add replay value to the game.
  5. Add 'poison' Z's that take off 1 of your lives.
  6. Needs music/sound effects.

Here are my ideas for the game:

  1. Change the title screen so that it has these three options: 'Start', 'High Scores' and 'About'
  2. Add more than 3 positions of movement for the character.
  3. Credits will be included at the launch of the game, with the option to skip.
  4. Instructions will be shown at the start of the game for new missions.

To do: Implement suggestions from feedback, finish final character designs and finish final stage layout/designs.

More updates soon.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Storyboard and early game screens

Below: Storyboard, draft 2, for the mobile game for MOKET (Storyboard subject to change).

Left: Screen captures of the game as it would look when played on a phone. Note, these are the actual screens from the phone. So far, so good.